

TIPA®由Daphna Nissenbaum和Tal Neuman于2010年成立,旨在应对柔性塑料包装对世界构成的挑战。在TIPA,我们认为我们的包装应受自然包装的启发:一种保护层,该保护层可分解回土壤,而不会残留有毒残留物,微塑料或其他污染物。



Returning to a Circular Economy

Conventional flexible plastic packaging is a rapidly growing segment, an estimated 97% of which ends up in landfills and oceans. Unlike rigid plastics, flexible plastic packaging lacks a circular solution because it is often made by blending several materials, contaminated by food, and too light-weight for separation and recycling. The challenge brands and consumers face is that single-use flexible plastic is an inexpensive, light-weight, and storage-compact packaging solution.


TIPA®’s solution is to create packaging that mimics these valuable qualities, but is made with materials that return safely to the biosphere. At TIPA®, we believe packaging should be part of a circular economy, where materials that are produced can be reused for another valuable purpose: in our case, our compostable packaging biodegrades into nourishing compost, leaving behind the same nutrients left by an organic waste.

Providing Solutions for the Food and Fashion Industries

TIPA® focuses on the food and fashion industries, two segments with a very high volume of flexible packaging.


Over 60% of flexible plastic packaging is consumed by the food industry [1]. In order to provide packaging solutions that will replace conventional flexible plastic packaging, we cover a range of applications in the segment, including dry food, fresh produce, meat, spices, powders, coffee, supplements, bars, and more. Our catalog includes home compostable one-ply films in a variety of thicknesses, and industrially compostable multi-ply laminates in a variety of thicknesses with varying barrier capabilities.

Explore our Dry Food and Fresh Produce portfolios.


An estimated 180 billion polybags are used every year for fashion, apparel, and accessories. As awareness for plastic pollution increases, brands are seeking a waste-free solution to pack their products. TIPA® provides fully compostable polybags, zipper bags, mailers, garment bags, and more. TIPA®’s provides a replacement for single-use plastic packaging in the fashion and apparel industry.

Explore our Fashion portfolio.

TIPA® has certification from the following regulatory bodies:

Is your company looking to go compostable?
